Krampus Wiki

Note: This article is about the character. This is the article for the game: Krampus (game)

Krampus is the titular antagonist of the PC/mobile game Krampus. He is loosely based on the traditional mythical creature of the same name. He is known for abducting children, taking them to an old home he settled in, and unlike the real Krampus, he plays a little game for his victims to try and get a key off his neck to escape.


Krampus' personality is just like the original. He is the wicked version of Santa Claus who goes to punish the children who have been disobedient and bad on Christmas time. If the child who Krampus torments cannot repent, unlike the real Krampus who sends them to the underworld, this one abducts them and sends them to an old abandoned house he settled in to play a little game for his victims to get a key off his neck and escape.

Physical appearance[]

Krampus' look differs a lot from the real one. He has red skin, small red pupils, a pig snout and dirty crooked teeth. He has a small beard, two large horns protruding from his head, pointy ears and black hair on his back, arms and legs. He has a bit of a plump stomach and pink hooves. He is also seen carrying a golden key around his neck.


At the start of the game, Krampus will spawn in front of the entrance to the bottom floor before beginning his hunt. He will wander around the house and enter certain rooms in order to inspect them or look for the player. He will get triggered if one of the two occurrences happen:

Dropping items - After dropping an item (except for the incantation and rat tail), Krampus will run towards the item that was dropped and stand still for a while. If unable to find the player, he will continue looking.

Seeing the player - If Krampus sees the player, he will begin chasing them while making laughing noises. This will continue until the player outruns him. If Krampus is unable to find the player after losing them, he will continue his search.

Once Krampus catches the player, they will be forced to face him as he laughs maniacally before putting them to sleep with his breath as the screen fades to black. The player will then respawn in their starting spot, as well as Krampus. Formerly, the game would end after the player got caught 5 times (similar to 5 days in Granny), but the feature is now scrapped.

If Krampus spots the player attempting to hide in a closet or under a bed, he will, of course, notice it, run towards the hiding spot and catch you. If he doesn't see you, he can walk straight in front of the closet or bed, closer to the spot where he catches you.

After activating the spell, when Krampus walks into the pentagram, it will send him back to hell as he disintegrates and the golden key falls off in the meantime. A sequel was planned for Krampus where he would return from hell and settle in a giant old castle, and you would still have to send him back (presumably).

Krampus spotting the player. (1)


Krampus running after being triggered.
